How to have them properly sync to the ntp server? And how can I lower the polling time? It looks like my servers are running out of sync fast so I need them to retrieve the 'correct' time again. After about 10 minutes however, my servers show the following time: Fr 30. All servers showed the same date straight after the command finished. I have stopped the ntp services for all except the server, used sudo ntpdate to let them fetch the date and restarted the ntp services afterwards. Note: I have used Multi-Tabbed Putty to send the following commands to all ntp clients at the same time. Restrict mask nomodify notrapĪnd on the 'clients': # Point to our network's master time server # Give machines on our network access to query us I want to run a ntp server on one (or more if that is better) of the servers and have all other servers connect to the ntp server(s) to set the timeĬurrently, my server (ip.I have 8 ubuntu 14.04 LTS servers, none of them has internet access.My servers are drifting heavily in time for some reason and I have to keep their time close together because I run databases that require this.
I have tried several guides on how to set up a local ntp server on ubuntu but none seem to work correctly.